Stages Of Cognitive Development

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Stages Of Cognitive Development – The concrete operational stage is the third stage of Piaget’s theory of cognitive development. This period lasts about seven to eleven years and is characterized by the development of organized and rational thinking.

At this stage, children think about tangible (concrete) objects and concrete cases rather than abstract concepts. They can draw logical conclusions from concrete examples, but struggle with hypothetical situations.

Stages Of Cognitive Development

In concrete operational thinking, children begin to grasp the basics of logical reasoning, demonstrating skills such as reversibility, decentralization, and other conservation skills.

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However, while children can solve problems logically, they generally cannot think abstractly or hypothetically. Children at this stage can solve problems by applying them to real objects or events.

Piaget (1954) considers the concrete stage to be the main turning point in a child’s mental development because it marks the beginning of logical or operational thinking.

The child is mature enough to use logical or operational thinking (ie, rules), but can only apply logic (ie, concrete operational) to physical objects.

Conservation is the understanding that something remains the same in quantity even as it changes form. This can be applied to aspects such as volume, number, area, etc.

Module 6 Piaget’s Stages Of Cognitive Development

Technically, conservation is the understanding that the redistribution of matter does not affect its mass, volume, volume, or length.

For example, Piaget and Szeminska (1952) showed that 7- to 8-year-old children often believe that expanding the range of counters (not

He asked whether two cases (e.g., rows of counters or glasses of liquid) were the same or different before and after changing their physical appearance (e.g., spreading the counters or pouring the liquid into a taller container).

By the age of about seven, most children can conserve liquids because they understand that when water is poured into a glass of different shapes, the amount of liquid remains the same even if the shape changes. Five-year-olds would think there is a different number because the shape has changed.

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Number retention (see video below) was developed soon after. Piaget (1954b) placed a row of counters in front of the child and asked him to make another row similar to the first. Piaget extended the row of counters and asked the child if there were the same number of counters.

Most seven-year-olds can answer this correctly, and Piaget concluded that this shows that children can memorize numbers by age seven.

Various aspects of conservation work have been criticized, for example for not taking into account the social context of the child’s understanding.

Rose and Blank (1974) argued that when a child gives a wrong answer to a question, we repeat the question to indicate that the first answer was wrong. This is what Piaget did when he asked children the same question twice in the conservation experiment, before and after the transformation.

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When Rose and Blank repeated this, but only asked the question once, after draining the liquid, they found that several six-year-olds gave them the correct answer. This shows that children can be saved at a younger age than Piaget thought.

Samueland Bryant (1984) investigated whether Piaget’s retention tests were flawed because children answered the same question twice.

This study suggested that the questions represented “verbal interference” that prevented children from conveying information in the pre-transformation phase.

– Conservation or dialogue? Baucal and Stepanovic (2006) analyzed the issue of whether conservation failure is a consequence of cognitive maturity or language use, or the power relationship between the child participant and the adult experimenter. many results. repeated question hypothesis testing.

Piaget’s Stages Of Cognitive Development Rev

An additional test was conducted to distinguish between cognitive and social effects, with a repeated question about the non-changing “transformation” (pouring the liquid into the same glass with only the question causing it and not the actual change).

Interestingly, the results were not as expected. It was expected that all children would be similar on the standard and modified tasks, but this was not the case.

Arcidiacono and Perret-Clermont (2009) suggest that children’s conservative expressions are not a product of their cognitive level but of social interaction with the interviewer, as Piaget claimed.

This suggests that the child’s reasoning is “constructed together” during the testing process. If adults “accept” the wrong (or right) answer without asking for a reason (argument why this is so), Piaget was really interested in this.

Cognitive Development Progress Stages By Age, Vector Illustration From Children To Adult Intellectual Sensorimotor, Preoperational, Concrete Operational And Formal Stock Vector Adobe Stock

Another feature of conservation work that can disrupt children’s understanding is that an adult deliberately changes the appearance of something so that the child believes the change is important.

When two rows of candies were evenly spaced and the child was satisfied that each had the same amount, a “naughty bear” appeared. During the game, Teddy knocks over a series of candies. Once they were safely back in a box, the children were asked if they had the same number of candies.

Again, this suggests that Piaget’s conception prevented children from showing that they could be stored at a younger age than they had been told.

Piaget also studied children’s ability to classify objects—group them by color, shape, etc. according to

Stages In Cognitive Development

Classification is the ability to identify properties of categories, relate categories or classes to each other, and use categorical information to solve problems.

Children can group objects according to common characteristics, such as animals into birds, mammals, reptiles, etc. They also understand that objects can belong to several categories at the same time (for example, a dog is both a pet and an animal).

One element of classification skills is the ability to group objects along certain common dimensions. Another option is to arrange subgroups hierarchically so that each new group contains all previous subgroups.

For example, he found that children in the preoperational stage had difficulty understanding that a class could contain multiple subclasses. For example, a child is shown four red flowers and two white flowers and asked, “Are there more red flowers or more flowers?”. A typical five-year-old would say “rather red.”

The Sensorimotor Stage Of Cognitive Development

Piaget stated that the child focuses on one aspect, the class or subclass (that is, this class is called reception).

Until it is decentralized, it cannot compare the whole and the parts that make up the whole at the same time. Then the child can understand the relationship between classes and subclasses.

James McGarrigle conducted an experiment that tested Piaget’s explanation that the child cannot compare classes and subclasses because of centrality. Centralization refers to the child’s tendency to deal with only one situation at a time.

Piaget’s classification test used mistletoe, some white and some brown. It was found that in the pre-operation phase the children could not give the correct answer to the question: “Are there more brown pearls or more mistletoe?”

What Is Concrete Operational Stage Of Cognitive Development? |

McGarrigle used a slightly different version of this test. He accused four model cows, three of them black and one white. He laid all the cows on their sides as if they were asleep. The six-year-olds were then asked:

Results: 25% of the children answered the 1st question, and 48% of the children answered the 2nd question correctly.

This suggests that children are able to understand inclusion in the classroom earlier than Piaget thought. This is probably because the work is easier to understand.

McGarrigle concluded that Piaget’s formulation of the question prevented younger children from understanding the relationship between class and subclass.

Chart Of Jean Piaget’s Stages Of Cognitive

The cognitive operation of serialization (logical ordering) involves mentally organizing objects or situations along a quantifiable dimension such as height, weight, size, color, shape, or quality.

For example, a child with advanced sorting skills might arrange sticks from shortest to longest, coins from oldest to newest, or arrange a series of objects by color from lightest to darkest.

This ability represents an important step forward in a child’s cognitive development, as it requires an understanding of the multiple dimensions and characteristics of objects and the ability to compare and contrast these characteristics.

Reversibility refers to the fact that numbers or objects can be changed or manipulated and then restored to their original state. This concept includes the understanding that actions are reversible and is an essential part of logical thinking.

A Teacher’s Guide To Piaget’s 4 Stages Of Cognitive Development

Children understand that numbers or objects can change and return to their original state. For example, when water is poured from a short, wide cup into a tall, thin glass, a child at the concrete operational stage understands that the amount of water can be reversed by pouring it into the original glass.

For example, if a child is given a ball of clay and it turns into a ball, a child who understands reversibility knows that the ball of clay can be broken back into a ball.

Likewise, when it comes to numerical operations, if a child understands that 5 + 3 is equal to 8, he or she understands this as well.

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