Early Childhood Education Programs

Saturday, 18 November 2023

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Early Childhood Education Programs – Doctoral Program in Early Childhood Education The doctoral program in educational technology was established when the scientific fields of educational technology and early childhood education were developing. The Educational Technology curriculum is a core curriculum that has anchored several other curricula, including the Early Childhood Education master’s and doctoral programs. Since 2002, the doctoral program “Educational Technology Research” offers specialization in the doctoral program “Education of Early Childhood”.

The Doctoral Program in Educational Technology, especially the Postgraduate Program in Early Childhood Education at Negeri Jakarta University, is academically strong, aligned with good practice, and strategically and ideally positioned to support government programs to formulate policies for early childhood education services . Adaptation to the multicultural characteristics of Indonesian society. The strategic position is characterized by the increasing demand for education in the early education sector. Therefore, a doctoral program was created in 2019 to develop the science of early childhood education. The program is also needed to meet the need for academic staff for higher education, especially for teachers in master’s and doctoral programs for early childhood education at other universities. In practice, an Early Childhood Education doctoral program should include human resources with competence in developing early childhood education program plans and policies in national and regional contexts.

Early Childhood Education Programs

The Early Childhood Studies program is based on the philosophy that education should begin early and continue throughout life. Early childhood education is a strategic effort to shape Indonesian citizens in the golden age of childhood. The golden age of child development refers to the period from 0-5 to 6-8 years and the age of children studying in the primary schools of primary school.

Early Childhood Education — Point Hope

The Doctoral Program in Early Childhood Education at the University of Negeri Jakarta aims to develop experts in the field of early childhood education. This specialization is also supported by the characteristics of urban education, which is multicultural due to the diversity of cultures in the Special Capital of Jakarta, which comes from different ethnic groups and prioritizes the tolerance and unity of Indonesia. Graduates of the program can also help parents and future parents to become partners in helping children to become the golden generation that will face the 4.0 industrial revolution in childhood. Strengthening 21st century skills by developing curricula, implementing learning processes and assessment processes related to the 6Cs (Creativity and Innovation, Collaboration, Communication, Communication, Empathy, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, Computational Reasoning) in Indonesian. This has consequences. Education system. Early childhood education programs can play an important role in children’s early learning and development. However, programs vary in quality, from environments where children have few resources and educators with limited education, to environments where highly skilled and trained professionals engage children with vocabulary-rich, social-interactive, and kinesthetic activities that prepare them. Kindergarten. Our goal is to provide access to high-quality programs for Philadelphia children. Our vision is to strengthen the sector itself: to improve the quality of service delivery, to support high quality and healthy financial conditions and to support childcare companies to continue to provide families year after year. We also support efforts to build high-quality early childhood education (ECE) programs in underserved areas, as well as greater community support for ECE and professional development for ECE professionals. We also support information and propaganda activities.

Since 2014, more than 11,000 children have been served each year at Philadelphia’s high-quality ECE centers. A shared, ongoing commitment to supporting the childcare sector has helped drive the improvements we are seeing across the city. Today, 37% of Philadelphia’s general childcare “seats” are rated high quality by the state Keystone Stars rating system – up from 25% in 2014 – and the work continues to increase the share of high quality ECE seats. there are still families, especially low-income families, who do not have access to high-quality ECE opportunities for their children.

Our vision to increase access to high-quality ECE options began with research. To understand the availability of high-quality ECE in Philadelphia, as well as the barriers to expansion, several important questions must be answered:

The first was an analysis conducted by the Reinvestment Fund, which produced the first report on the supply, demand and number of child care spaces in each quality-level program in each neighborhood of Philadelphia. The report found that overall supply and demand are relatively well matched, meaning there is plenty of room for children whose families need some form of childcare. However, delivery

Early Childhood Education Workplace Program

Programming of ECE was a small minority compared to the delivery of low quality or unknown programs. It is clear that something must be done if we want to give more children the opportunity they need for early education. This childcare analysis is updated annually – tracking progress in overall quality improvement and changes in neighborhood poverty – and the data is made available through the Child Care Map, an interactive digital tool accessible to anyone in any area of ​​’ the city view childcare data. ,

The second was a non-profit financial foundation study. Among several key findings, the report noted that regardless of quality, most ECE centers operate very close to the financial “break-even” point. He also noted that state subsidies cannot fully cover the cost of quality childcare. These findings made it clear that centers need access to other resources if they want to invest in quality improvement, expand to serve more children, or even successfully deal with the unexpected one-time costs that often arise in the course of business. income

Finally, Child Trends has completed an evaluation of one of the city’s major child care improvement programs. This assessment addresses the need to strategically deploy technical assistance, monitor service delivery and impact, and design services to support a range of childcare centres, teachers and technical assistance providers. Meets needs. The study also revealed a blueprint for future quality improvement efforts. This research provided the basis for developing or improving ECE quality improvement initiatives for states and communities across the country and was used to improve support in Philadelphia.

By learning more about where gaps in high-quality ECE are most evident, how to strengthen quality improvement efforts, and the financial constraints facing ECE providers, we can better support strategic quality improvement efforts. We are ready.

Bachelor Of Arts In Inclusive Early Childhood Education

With the investment in the Success by 6 program, formerly United of Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey, more than 230 centers in the region have been upgraded from a 2-Star rating to a 3-Star, providing high-quality programming. There is a limit. As measured by Pennsylvania’s Keystone STARS system, First Up has embraced this role and continues to support centers in achieving high quality standards, including through the Early Education Quality Improvement Program (EQIP). Expand and improve efforts. The William Penn Foundation supported the launch of EQUIP in 2019 and its continuation at the end of 2021. In the first two years, EQUIP supported 75% of participants in early learning programs to achieve a high quality rating.

We also supported the Strive to Inspire program, which targets centers not included in Keystone STARS—the state’s quality assessment and improvement system—and teaches them the value of using STARS guidelines to increase educational environments to develop. Help me understand. It was held under the auspices of the Urban Affairs Coalition with partner agency The Kimble Group. Through this work, more centers have become part of the STARS system and are ready to take the next leap into the upper echelon of quality. The William Penn Foundation continues to support the Kimble Group’s work with Star 1 providers, paving the way for higher quality.

Expansion is another way to bring high-quality early learning opportunities to districts where data shows they need it most. In response to research showing that ECE providers have very limited funds to cover the large costs associated with expansion, the Reinvestment Fund and the Health Care Management Corporation (PHMC) have partnered to create and manage the Quality Fund .

Since 2014, the Quality Fund has been a source of capital for high quality ECE providers. The Quality Fund provides business planning assistance and facility-related funding to help high-quality providers expand their services to reach low-income families by building new sites or expanding existing facilities. The Quality Fund has supported the creation of around 3,000 new places in high-quality ECE programmes. More than 100 full-time and part-time jobs have been created through these expansion projects. By working with ECE providers with a successful track record, the Quality Foundation will help create new spaces that will serve thousands of children each year for the foreseeable future.

Ece Certificate Program

To complement the Quality Fund, we have also supported the establishment of a revolving credit fund that lends to high quality providers at very low interest rates.

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