Piaget Cognitive Development Stages

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Piaget Cognitive Development Stages – Our brain is often called the control center of our body. Our brains have evolved and developed since conception and will continue to do so until we die. It can store memories and information for years. This is due to the neurotic nature of the brain.

Neuroplasticity is the ability of the brain to form new neural pathways and change as a result of experience and learning.

Piaget Cognitive Development Stages

Intelligence is the mental function that occurs when a person is given information, including planning, understanding/strategizing, and communicating with others.

Child And Adolescent Neurodevelopment

Cognition is an important aspect of our lives because we unconsciously use cognitive skills every day. Psychology has improved understanding of behavior and research in the field has grown exponentially.

Such findings have led to the development of popular treatment models such as REBT (Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy) and CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy).

These models use the fundamentals of psychology to understand the thinking behind a client’s behavior, thoughts, and feelings.

Psychology first came to attention in the early 1950s when it was shown that behaviorism could not explain the relationship between internal mental processes and their influence on behavior.

Reflection On Learning And The Stages Of Development

Ulrich Neisser is considered the father of cognitive science because he was the first to suggest that behavior is determined by mental processes in the mind.

Jean Piaget was another famous cognitive psychologist who built on Neisser’s ideas and presented a theory of cognitive development.

He said that each person goes through a constant process of universal stages of cognitive development. This indicates that the quantity and quality of information increases as we move from one level to another. It focuses on the cognitive changes that occur as children move through the stages.

Piaget’s research helps psychologists understand the brain processes that occur in children and how they develop as individuals develop. It is believed that systems (mental concepts) are created by children to organize information and procedures.

Strength And Weaknesses Of Piaget’s Theory Of Cognitive Development

He believes that children try to understand information in two ways. These two methods are called assimilation and accommodation.

Consolidation occurs when the child tries to sort new information from already existing structures. For example, a child can look at an apple and call it an orange. This is because both objects are round.

If the child apple is edited, it will identify the child apple as red and round and cause the shape to change. Changing the old system to a new one is called adaptation.

Piaget also suggested that development occurs in stages. His theory predicts four different stages of knowledge development. They are:

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This is the stage when the child begins to form imaginary images and symbols. They use mental images and symbols to categorize and understand the world around them. By this age, the child has developed a sufficient number of language skills and uses these skills to further explore his world.

A child may become interested in this and start asking how things work and why things work. These questions help them understand how things, people, and the world work.

At this stage, the child begins to demonstrate skills that were previously impossible. This includes the icon game. This is when children begin to imagine people; Can create stories and actions based on objects or scenes and imagination. They can take an ordinary object and turn it into something unexpected (for example, a tree becomes a boat).

This usually happens when the child is busy with other things or when the person receives a reward. This is often observed when a child “eats” his toy.

Piaget’s Theory Of Cognitive Development In Simple Words

This is when some things replace others. This can be seen when a child uses twigs and sticks to replace things like kitchen utensils.

This is the last change in the mini-game. This happens when the child begins to combine play activities with more complex situations.

For example, when you are young, you can be a teacher or a doctor for your younger siblings. You may have used your toys as a student or patient.

It is the state of believing everything you see or hear. They believe in fictional characters such as Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny.

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Children often see pictures and videos of Santa Claus, and if they see a person in a Santa Claus costume, they believe that it is Santa Claus.

However, the application of logic is not shown at this stage. Egocentrism – the child’s inability to understand and perceive something from another person’s point of view. They believe that the world works as they perceive it.

The principle of conservation is the principle of immutability of the object’s nature. This can be seen when water is poured into different containers. Although the capacity is different, the amount of water remains the same. This process is not available at this stage.

At this stage, the use of appropriate skills appears. Children begin to use logical operations or concepts to understand and interpret concepts. They are less self-centered, so they can think differently. However, the transition from the preoperative stage to the specific operational stage does not happen instantly. This happens gradually, and children can switch between these stages.

Piaget’s Theory Of Cognitive Development: The Formal Operational Stage

The child can solve simple problems. This stage is characterized by the child’s ability to understand and understand the process of care.

The child is able to understand how things should be organized and is able to understand related words. It is at this age that a child can still understand the concept of change. This theory states that certain objects and movements can be changed to return to their original state.

For example, children understand that a piece of clay can transform into other materials and return to its original form. They also begin to understand the concepts of time and speed and the relationship between these two concepts.

This is the stage at which the child demonstrates the thinking patterns of an adult. This continues into adulthood and helps to understand and solve personal problems. At this stage, a person can solve things in an abstract, logical way, but can also engage in creative and abstract thinking.

Cognitive Development Theory Piaget, Vygotsky

Hypothetico-deductive reasoning occurs when a person sees something and predicts what the result will be. Each person can make a hypothesis based on what they observe. This includes the ability to think logically and understand symbols, ideas and concepts.

Interpropositional logic/reasoning is what occurs when one tries to test the different validity of a proposition. In essence, each person is “testing the theory”. They can do this by experimenting with what they want to prove. Although this type of thinking can be recognized as a specific functional level in early infants, the child can only test the validity of a proposition. A person at the formal functional level can verify the validity of many propositions.

At this stage, the individual is able to engage in higher levels of cognitive reflection and processing. But it is important to remember that not everyone can do it.

According to Piaget, people reach the end of the stage by the age of 15. There is evidence that some people reach a level of normal functioning late in life, while some never do. This may be due to cultural differences.

Cognitive Development And Attachment Theory

People who have reached this stage change their behavior. At first they may have accepted the rules and regulations, but now their thinking skills may question those rules. It can also lead to high expectations of excellence and perfection. They become more stubborn and use rhetorical reasoning to spot inconsistencies in other people’s arguments.

Piaget’s theory of cognitive development revolutionized the theory and understanding of human behavior. It spawned many theories, such as Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory, and it still plays an important role in today’s society.

Ghazi, Rehman et al conducted a study in 2014 titled “The Functional Status of Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development: Aspects in Mathematics Education.” A sample of 200 students aged 12-16 was surveyed. The results show that students aged 12-16 can divide, cut, divide, divide and do geometry to some extent at the loda functional level as Piaget put it. This shows that Piaget’s theory of cognitive development is appropriate for the age group and their cognitive abilities.

Piaget’s contribution to the field of psychology – influence on cognition and behavior. His contributions led to the development of many educational theories and methods that changed the way we think about education. This process continues the weight gain and will continue for many years.

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