Ages And Stages Of Development

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Ages And Stages Of Development – Understand the physical, intellectual, emotional, and social characteristics of developmental stages Apply the stages in interactions with children Slide 2: How many stages of child development can you name before we look at this PowerPoint? What types of descriptions include physical, intellectual, emotional, and social characteristics of developmental stages? Which field do you think would be most interesting to learn more about?

Studying child development helps us learn: There are stages in children’s development Crawl before walking and crawl Each stage builds on the previous stages A sense of confidence must come before we can act independently L – stages are only guides, each child in his own way will develop. Pace Early and late walkers can come from the same family Slide 3-4: These slides show us why it is important to learn about child development What makes you want to learn more Why is it important for all people to learn more about child development ?

Ages And Stages Of Development

Development does not always proceed in equal steps After learning independence on the toilet, the child may forget his new skills Mistakes are common Children often fall before walking Children grow in many areas simultaneously. Adults and how to turn the pages

Is This Normal? (addressing Ages & Stages Of Child Development Ages 0 19)

Birth Newborn to three months Infancy Three months to one year Childhood One to three years Pre-school age Three to five years School age Five to ten years Slide 5: This slide lists the ages at each stage of child development. How many children do you know in each of these stages? Which phase do you anticipate seeing the most change and growth? If you had a career working with children, which of these stages would you most like to work in and why?

Physical Development – ​​Increase in body size and fitness Increase in height Weight gain Muscle building Hand eye coordination Emotional development – ​​Maturing of mind, thinking using language Li form ideas Slide 6: In these slides – Types of growth and development, Characteristics of intellectual development in physical and general development has been described. Do you see changes in physical development more easily or do you think it’s just as easy to see how a child grows in intellectual development?

Expressing emotions and relating to others Strong emotions like love, fear, anger Sharing self-esteem Coping with change Communicating with others Playing with others Learning right from wrong Slide 7: What makes social development so challenging for some children? How important is it for parents to model good behavior related to emotional and social development? (Answers will vary)

Physically Short neck Sloping shoulders Long belly Narrow chest Weak legs and arms Very helpless to touch and heat May hurt or cry due to changes in air, rough texture or humidity. Start crying and crying and smiling Slide 8: How many of these characteristics of physical development have you seen in newborns? What is your experience with newborns?

Stages Of Human Development: What It Is & Why It’s Important

When a newborn baby’s cheek is stroked, they turn their head toward the touch and open their mouths and begin sucking in search of food. Grasping Reflex: When the inside of the palm is touched, babies grasp the fingers tightly. Starl Reflex: When a baby sits, is held away, or hears a loud noise, the baby extends its arms, pulls its head back, and extends its legs in response. Babinski Reflex: Babies extend their legs when they strike the soles of their feet. Slide 9: How many of you have observed these behaviors in newborns? Did you know that each type of reflex had a name? Can you give an example of how a newborn baby exhibits the grace reflex or start reflex?

Create a routine Provide ongoing care Talk to children Keep children close while you care Provide an interesting environment Be relaxed and calm Bond with children by cuddling them Slide 10: Do you think caring for a newborn is harder than an older child? What are the most challenging things for you as a newborn caregiver? (Answers will vary)

Physical Development Rapid growth – 1/2 times the length and 3 times the weight from birth to 1 year Hold head up and turn it Control arm and leg movements Support yourself with hands when on stomach Learn to grasp and release objects. Sit Crawl or start crawling Pull to a standing position Develop hand-eye coordination Slide 11: Babies grow and change rapidly. Have you ever noticed what it’s like to shop for baby clothes? How often does a 6 month old wear 6 month old clothes? What special materials are used while making baby clothes to make them more suitable for this type of baby? (Answers will vary) How many of you know when you can sit or stand?

INTELLECTUAL DEVELOPMENT First Communicate Begin to cry and scream Begin to say a few words Explore by touching and putting things in their mouth Slide 12: Who remembers what your parents said to you or the first words you said? Is it true that “everything goes into the baby’s mouth”? What kinds of changes should be made at home when the baby starts crawling?

The Life Cycle Of Man. Generations And Stages Of Human Body Growth. Different Ages, Baby, Child, Teenager, Adult, Old Person, Age, People, Development, Lifestyle Royalty Free Svg, Cliparts, Vectors, And Stock Illustration

Emotional and social development Get to know their caregivers Experience stranger-to-stranger anxiety When the caregiver leaves Experience separation anxiety When playing Fear of being too far away from the caregiver Caregivers need to develop trust. Slide 13: How many of you have seen “stranger anxiety” in a child? Describe the situation. How would you describe a child’s “playtime”?

When holding small children, support their head and neck. Make the environment safe for children by removing harmful objects within reach. Choose toys that are safe; Check the size and firmness. Pay attention to their safety while crawling. Slide 14: What are your challenges as a babysitter for a child? What do you think would be the most important quality parents look for when choosing a babysitter?

Autonomy – parents feel a loss of control over their children and the child 1. They are learning who they are 2. Exercising freedom — discovering what they can do

Remove fragile objects due to aggression (inner feelings cannot be expressed in words) Child’s jealousy – give substitute object to kill anger – emotions are strong, many frustrations, many outside activities separate – they must experience mastery before learning to give

Development Matters Statements Ages And Stages New 2021

17 Toddler Development Blaming Others – The first step toward conscience because they realize they were wrong. Parents must show rejection – the child has no intrinsic incentive to do the right thing – they will do whatever the parent wants.

18 Infant Development Power Conflict – Conflict between parent and child – Avoid them, child will avoid them 3. 1. Give them options – Avoid yes or no questions 2. Divert attention to something else 3. Remove yourself from conflict or hold them Hold On (Sometimes It’s Good To Leave)

Physical development grows rapidly, gets taller and heavier Strengthens bones and muscles, begins to walk, climb, run, throw balls, stack blocks and turn knobs Uses spoons and cups in constant motion It looks like Slide 15: What do you observe and notice about the youngest child? Describe their material achievements.

Intellectual development Start speaking and say short sentences on the intellectual development of young children? Do children understand more than they can communicate? What would be a fun learning game to play with young children related to intellectual development?

Ages And Stages

Emotional and social development Play with other children, instead, say “no” a lot and “I’ll do it myself” Be proud to dress and breastfeed If another child sees the toy, can take the toy and start learning the rules. Limits Begin to understand right and wrong Try new behaviors and observe the consequences of their actions May be easily discouraged May have extreme mood swings May develop a sense of self-worth May have a fantasy life Slide 17 : Why do you think a Favorite word little kids “no”? What are some of the most difficult aspects of social development for a young child to learn? In the range of emotional development – the child is easily depressed. Do you think this is true for young children? Did you observe? Why?

Provide toys at the child’s ability level: puzzles, nesting buckets, and blocks. Take a walk to explore the environment and talk about what you see. Identify things the child can see, hear, smell, touch or taste. Read to the child and name the objects in the pictures. Let the child help with simple household tasks. Praise the child for good behavior and achievements. Read and talk to the child. Slide 18:

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